Q: How to make a payment on cart.truetvnow.com?

  1. Visit cart.truetvnow.com
  2. choose between 1 month or 3 month subscription
  3. click 'Go to login' or Sign Up (for new customers)
  4. enter your phone number or click on email to login then click login
  5. click on 'buy selected product'
  6. click on amazon pay then confirm pay
  7. click confirm & pay
  8. Click on pay now while on your amazon pay
  9. Choose your credit or debit of choice then checkout.

We also accept zelle transfers to truetvnow@gmail.com or cashapp transfers to $1TrueTV. Please make sure to add your name to the note field of your transfers.  


Q: What does it mean when the app kicks me out to the home screen while watching it?

You being kicked out of the app normally means that your device is outdated (we are referring to firesticks 2nd gen or older. The other reason you can be getting kicked out of the app is because you have an outdated version of the app. To verify you have the latest version of Genplay click on on the little person on the bottom left of the app>settings>updates. If you show that you have an update complete it. 


Q: How much time do I receive when renewing my service?

A: For every month of service you renew you get 30 days of service.


Q: Why can't i find the Genplay app on the home screen of my device?

A: In some cases the Genplay app could have shifted to the end of the app list. To fix this search the "see all" option under your app list and Genplay should be there. To fix this issue from continuing move the Nora app to the front.


Q: Are their local channels?

Yes we have some local channels.

Q: I can't view the adult channels or I'm stuck in the adult section, please help?

A: Please visit our "helpful hint" page for detailed instructions on how to access and/or get out of any of the adult channels.

B: Pin to unlock the adult channels is 0000

Q: How do I watch a PPV event?

PPV will automaticaly be played live on one of our PPV channels 400-405